The world around us is ever-changing. Technological, societal, and behavioral advancements mean that leaders must make these changes, adopt new strategies, and consistently remain up to date with leadership trends. If you are a leader or an aspiring leader, we have put together a brief list of the top 5 leadership trends in 2022 to help you stay in the loop.

1.    Keeping up with technological innovation

Technology is advancing at a rapid pace. It’s hard to keep up with the latest advancements and find the right software that will help you do your job more efficiently. Here are some tips on how to get your team up to speed on new technological innovations.

  • Make sure that everyone in your team is aware of what’s happening in the industry and what new technologies are coming out.
  • Learn about the best software for different tasks, like marketing automation or customer service software, and when and how to use them
  • Discuss with your team how they can implement these new technologies into their workflow
  • Try out these technologies in a small project first before implementing them company wide

2.    Female leaders

The workplace is evolving, and with it the corporate culture. More and more companies are developing their female leadership. This means that they are hiring more women in their team. Diversifying teams means that you are getting a variety of opinions, skillsets, and backgrounds to make your company successful.

Having more females in your team, allows for a broader range of ideas and opinions on how to do things. They also bring different perspectives to the table, which is important for making decisions about the future of your company.

The number of female leaders has increased by 4% in the last year.

In this new era, people are expecting more from their leaders by demanding for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Companies want to be seen as inclusive and progressive, so taking active steps to be more inclusive of women in the recruitment process is a good place to start.

3.    Leading several generations

The workplace is changing and so are the people who work there. As a result, we are seeing a trend of multigenerational workforce that includes three or more generations. The older generation is often referred to as the Baby Boomers, Generation Xers and Millennials.

Each generation has its own values, working styles, and preferences. To be successful in this new environment it is important to learn about each other and understand how they communicate, what they value most in their jobs, what motivates them etc. It is essential to encourage teams to work together and learn from one other’s experiences, which will allow the business to thrive.

4.    Investing in diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are the new norm in the workplace. It is important to have a diverse workforce to be able to get a better understanding of different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. A diverse workforce is also more engaged because they feel like their opinions are valued, making them more likely to stay with the company. Companies should also invest in diversity because it helps increase team performance by bringing different skillsets together. Lastly, diversity and inclusion can lead to higher employee potential because employees feel more comfortable being themselves at work.

In order to achieve diversity and inclusion in the workplace, companies should take some steps:

  • Create a culture of acceptance by having an open dialogue about diversity and inclusion
  • Educate employees on what diversity and inclusion are
  • Provide training on how to have constructive conversations about difficult topics

5.    Adopting emotionally agile leadership

Burnouts are a major issue for leaders and employees alike. They have a negative impact on the productivity and profitability of the company. Leaders can take steps to mitigate burnout by being emotionally agile.

Emotional agility is the ability to manage one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in ways that promote resilience and healthy functioning in both work and non-work settings. Emotionally agile leaders are resilient to stressors, have high self-awareness, have strong emotional reserves, are mindful of their feelings, can recognize their feelings as they come up, and regulate them in healthy ways (e.g., by seeking support).

There are many ways in which leaders can become more emotionally agile. For example, they can practice empathy and self-awareness. They can also use their intuition to sense the emotions around them and then respond accordingly. One of the most important benefits to emotional agility is that it improves mental health in employees. Studies have found that when leaders show empathy and care for their employees’ physical and emotional needs, their employees experience less stress and higher levels of engagement.

To find out more about leadership trends, contact us via [email protected],