How to attract the best talent in a candidate short market.
Recruiting can be difficult at the best of times, and it’s even harder in a candidate short market. If you’ve recently been trying to fill a role at your company you might have noticed that candidates are hard to come by these days. We’ve put together a quick blog post to help you attract the best talent in a candidate short market.
Get the job title right
The job title is the first thing potential candidates are going to see, and as they say, first impressions count. Your job title has less than two seconds to attract and hold the attention of its viewers. When it comes to career progression, the right job title can mean the difference between the feeling of moving up or staying stagnant. No one in their right mind will apply for a role that seems less than where they are. A job title reveals a lot about the person with the title, experience, level of education and skill set. Make sure you’re attracting the qualities you’re looking for by getting the job title right.
Have essential and realistic requirements
Once you’ve nailed the job title, the next step is making sure the job requirements you’re detailing are realistic. Additionally, including the essential requirements will help you get the right candidate for your position. This is more important in a candidate short market as letting candidates know exactly what the role entails and exactly what they are applying will reduce time-wasting for both parties. Great for both the short-term and long-term.
Make sure the salary and package you’re offering are attractive and well-advertised.
Your company will need to be offering an attractive salary, but the remuneration and benefits package can help subsidise this in some ways. I’m sure you’ve heard that not everyone is motivated by money. Although it surely can make a difference, a good package can sway potential candidates. Do some research on what your competitors or other companies with similar roles are offering and make sure yours stand out. Flexible hours, hybrid working, extended annual leave, childcare vouchers, subsidised gym membership etc and an opportunity to get involved in charitable work can all be very attractive and persuasive. The more you can offer the better.
Articulate your employer brand and company culture
Having a distinct corporate culture is another great way to attract talent. Let your brand and culture be driven by the same values and purpose and let them be well articulated and showcased across all your public-facing platforms. Candidates of this era do their research. Building your employer brand is also important, having a brand that employees are proud of is one of the fastest ways to get great talent.
Lastly, try transforming your hiring process by creating a personal and engaging experience for candidates. Using technology and ensuring a firm bond is created during the application and interviewing process should be considered.
Place your job advert in front of the right people
Using the right platform to advertise your job role is equally as important as the previous steps. Thankfully the digital era we live in means that there is a plethora of platforms to use and social media is a great place to start.
We’d suggest using LinkedIn, be sure to keep your post short, emphasize the company culture and include the important information.
Move quickly Deal promptly with applications
Finally, don’t waste time. If a good candidate shows signs of interest in your role, make sure the relationship building starts immediately. As mentioned before, creating an engaging experience. Communicate with candidates each step of the way and ensure you are feeding back to them.
We hope this has been insightful, if you do have any questions or would like to discuss how we can help you fill your current finance please do contact us via email: [email protected].