How to conduct a video interview for employers
Due to the emergence of Covid-19, not only has the way people work now changed but so too has the recruitment process.
As more people are now working from home and due to the social distancing rules, it has become more difficult to arrange face-to-face meetings. This has led to an increase in the use of video interviews to allow hiring managers to virtually meet their interviewees. So, what is the best way to conduct a video interview to recruit top talent?
Here are a few tips on how to conduct a video interview for employers.
1. Prepare, prepare, prepare
First and foremost, be prepared. You wouldn’t go into a face-to-face interview unprepared, so the same applies for a video interview. With the new method in place, what processes will you use in the interview? Also, don’t forget to test your chosen video conferencing software before you use it!
2. Setting up
From the background behind you to the clothes you choose to wear, first impressions are important when building business relationships. If you are looking to take a more relaxed approach, then perhaps select more casual attire. However, if you are pursuing a more formal interview then dressing in office attire will help to create that ambience.
For the background, select a well-lit space and ensure you have a strong internet connection. If you are constantly interrupted because of network issues, it may damage the flow of the interview and make it difficult to understand and get to know the candidate fully.
3. Send clear instructions to the candidate pre-interview
Similar to a face-to-face meeting, ensure the candidate knows all the information they need before the interview. Provide them with details such as the video conferencing platform you are using and the predicted length of the meeting, so they can get prepared too.
4. Remember your body language
Whilst your candidate may only see the top half of you, body language is still important. Communication does not only come from what you say, but 55% also comes from your nonverbal actions and 38% from your tone of voice. So, remember to smile and show you are listening.
5. Highlight your company culture
As fewer people are now in the office and with interviews taking place at home, candidates may not get the opportunity to visit the office. Describing your company culture and explaining the core values of your business may help the candidate to develop an idea of what it would be like to work at your company.
6. Take notes and review how the interview went
When conducting the interview jot down anything that occurs that might be of interest later. Be careful of how you may come across from the other side of the video. Let the candidate know before that you will be taking some notes.
After the interview, write down any of your thoughts that could be helpful for the next video interview you conduct and how you might improve or change anything.
Video interviews are a great way to get to know your candidates remotely, especially during the uncertainties of the current environments. Keep the above tips in mind on how to conduct a video interview to help you execute a successful virtual interview.
If you are looking for the different video conferencing software options, here is a list of the top 10 video conferencing software.