A company’s culture is a major factor in the success of the company and its employees. A great company culture can attract and retain talent, motivate employees to do their best work, and help people feel like they are part of something meaningful.

The way that a company culture is created is through the values that the company stands for. These values should be aligned with the unique missions, history, and personality of the organization. It’s also important to think about how to care for your employees by creating policies that are fair and offer benefits. We’ve put together a list of 5 tips to help you boost and create a harmonious company culture.

Put Yourself in Your Employees’ Shoes

When thinking of your company culture, its important to not only think about it from a managerial perspective. You are after all making decisions that will impact their employees. So considering their needs and ideas is a good place to start. Consider using your past experience as an employee, what you liked or didn’t like about it, any ideas that you had then on company culture may help you now.

Create an environment that inspires

Creating an environment that inspires requires a balance between both people and processes. Creating conditions that allow for the best of employees’ ideas, personalities, skill sets, and strengths is important. No one will contribute to anything if they don’t feel valued. So provide a space for them to feel empowered enough to contribute their best work. Additionally, implement a policy for open communication – one that promotes transparency so that employees have the opportunity to voice their opinions or concerns without fear of retribution or punishment.

Work Perks

Work perks have long been a way for employers to attract talent, but they are increasingly becoming an essential part of the employee experience.

Providing meaningful benefits, tailored perks and not just generic new-age perks is an important part of creating a great culture. studies conducted by the Undercover Recruiter showed that that fewer people valued typical new-age perks, such as games rooms and pool tables, beer on tap, and sleeping pods.

They found that:

  • 70% of people valued the option to work remote/hybrid
  • 33% said free lunches reigned supreme
  • 33% also wanted to be involved in employee share schemes

Consider conducting your own employee research to find out which perks they value most. Where all companies are different there is not a one size fits all solution to building a thriving company culture.

Developing and promoting a positive, thriving and harmonious company culture is a task that deserves high priority on any business owner’s priority list. While building culture takes time and commitment, most successful business owners and managers will tell you they see big returns on their investment into their company’s culture.

If you’d like more tips or information on how you could improve your company culture, please contact us via [email protected].