5 tips on how to get promoted whilst working from home.
After several months from the ‘home-office’, it is likely you have settled into your routine and have been working hard throughout the lockdown. So how do you get promoted whilst working from home?
Working remotely shouldn’t be a disadvantage when it’s time for a promotion. Whilst you may not be in the office, where it is likely that your efforts and hard work will be noticed by your boss and decision-makers, there are several ways on how you can proactively improve your chances of obtaining that promotion.
Here are 5 tips on what to include in your working routine to help boost your chances of getting promoted whilst working from home:
1. Check-in regularly
Working remotely does have its differences than being in the office. Face to face communication can be harder to organise when distanced. To help make sure that you are continuing to develop your relationship with your manager, organise one-to-one virtual meetings. This will be your opportunity to communicate and report back any success and challenges as well as discussing your aspirations for your role and future within the company.
2. Ask for feedback
Asking for feedback is a great way to know how you are performing. It is a crucial aspect of development and improvement. Gaining positive feedback is a great way to boost motivation. However, to grow and improve, constructive feedback is a great way to understand what you can do to advance within your career. Find out what responsibilities are required for your desired promotion to see what you are or are not doing. Try asking your Manager directly on what you can improve on in order to reach that goal.
3. Keep taking up new responsibilities and developing new skills
There may be extra tasks or responsibilities you can take on. Proactively ask your Manager if there are any other duties you can help with or ask if you can shadow a team member in an area you want exposure to. Put your hand up for any new projects and initiate the implementation of new processes and procedures to help improve efficiencies within the business.
4. Grow your connections further within the business
Whilst you may be looking for a promotion within your department, there are other opportunities to get promoted outside of your department. As we are working remotely it’s hard to meet people within your company that may be from a different team. However, there are different ways you can network whilst at home. Try organising a call with someone from another team or ask your manager to help make an introduction. Being recognised internally will go a long way when it comes to the business looking at future promotions.
5. Demonstrate your softer skills
Working from home can make it more difficult for your softer skills to be recognised. To demonstrate your ability to bring the team together, ensure you are sharing your successes and challenges with the team and recognise any successes they may have had. Proactively offer to help and mentor more junior members of the team or new employees. Ensure you go the extra mile when working with different departments. Also, remember it’s not always up to senior management to try to continue to maintain that team culture whilst working remotely. Organising a virtual work social will no doubt be appreciated by all and will be recognised by senior management.
Finally, knowing how the company is structured is also a great way to find out about promotions. Who is the decision-maker? Who would know about an opportunity? Equally, don’t be afraid to let your manager know you are looking for a promotion. They should be encouraging you to develop and can help and support you to reach your goals.
For further advice on being promoted, do not hesitate to contact us and we can arrange for a Consultant to speak to you.
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